

Okay, so I’ve been struggling and putting off writing this post for about two weeks now…not because it’s hard, but because I am so new to minimalism that I didn’t know where to start. As you know the past year has been filled with a lot of changes. My most recent one? Trying to embrace minimalism!

Over the past couple of months I have been redecorating my condo; I was looking around at all this stuff I had that I just didn’t need! Whilst some of it brought back memories, some good and others not, most of it was just filling space. Sub-consciously it was also filling unnecessary space in my head, I had the same feeling when I was looking at my wardrobe. I saw I had my favourite pieces, and that the rest was just taking up more space.

Immediately I started going through my clothes and removing anything and everything that didn’t fit (which was actually a lot, shopping trip- just joking) or things I just didn’t enjoy wearing. I did the same with my home décor. As I moved pieces and clothes to the ‘donate/sell’ pile I felt more and more free; literal and emotional weight being lifted with every item! Currently it’s all sitting in my dining room – you should see my dining room, or maybe you shouldn’t on second thoughts. (I will admit that room stresses me out, but that stuff is almost gone!)

I enjoy the idea of minimalism because in my head, less stuff = more time!! It means spending less time picking out clothes, worrying about all the options only to choose the same items over and over again. The lack of ‘stuff’ taking up my space also means I can clean easier – so adult, eurgh I know! The space in my head, and home, gives me the time to try new things and/or spend time doing activities I didn’t previously have time for. I think our society has pushes this mentality that we have to have all these new gadgets. We spend so much time working towards that and not enjoying what we have right infront of us. 

There is nothing wrong about working towards goals, but I don’t feel these should all be materialistic. I don’t want to live to work, I have experiences to go out and get!!

On that train of thought, I recently started working towards my private pilot’s license. I really think the beginning of embracing minimalism made me realize life is short (such a cliché I know!), but there is no time like the present. I don’t want to put off doing things anymore. The past ten years I have been waiting for the right time for various things and I regret that.

I’m only about a month into trying to declutter and embrace minimalism. So far it has brought up a lot of life’s questions. However, right now I would not change that for the world. It’s hard but I know that’s a big part of change! 

I’ll keep you updated as things progress!

Lots of Love,

Buffy x